Jiantu, Inc. Приложения

简图 1.6.3
Jiantu, Inc.
写字,配图,分享到微信和微博。只需 3 步,你就能用「简图」创作自己的方块图文并分享到微信和微博:· 全屏无干扰的书写文字,搭配最能契合心境的字体·从预置的颜色和纹理中选择喜欢的作为文字的背景;或者,用相机拍摄或从相册里选择自己心仪的图片作为配图,还能够拖动滑杆对图片进行「模糊」及「变暗」处理· 一键将方块图文分享到微信和微博去收获更多的赞和评论。当然,你还可以将它保存里相册里私藏这就开始创作「简图」与你的朋友们分享吧!Writing, with pictures,to the micro-channel sharing and microblogging.Just 3 steps, you can use the "sketch" box graphics creation andsharing their faith and to the micro-micro-Bo:· Full-screen text written without interference, with the best fitthe mood of the font· Choose from preset colors and textures in the background like atext; Or shoot with the camera or choose their favorite picturefrom the album, as with maps, but also be able to drag the sliderto the picture "fuzzy" and "change dark 'treatment· A key block to the micro-channel graphics sharing andmicroblogging to harvest more praise and comments. Of course, youcan also save it in the album possessionThis began writing "sketch" to share with your friends now!